It advocates contraception as the only reasonable means to prevent overpopulation.
The black bear is relatively common, enough so that there is a short hunting season to prevent overpopulation.
AD 160-220), was one of the first to describe famine and war as factors that can prevent overpopulation.
Each year, to prevent overpopulation, the bureau culls thousands of horses from Federal rangelands in the West and puts the animals up for adoption.
Rational self-interest, not just humane concern, should make the rich countries do all they can to prevent overpopulation and the suffering and strife it brings.
To prevent overpopulation on the Ships, family units can only produce children with the approval of the Ship's Eugenics Council.
Family planning was also expanded in order to prevent overpopulation.
In order to prevent overpopulation, a Bloodpriest is assigned to devour seven out of every eight Quintaglio hatchlings a day after they hatch.
They don't want to put more uncared-for pets to sleep, so they want to set an example of preventing canine overpopulation.
This can prevent overpopulation in the future.