When a major event draws a large volume of traffic, local police sometimes monitor or block secondary roads to prevent motorists from the event crowd from using such streets to avoid the traffic.
A row of shrubberies, between the sidewalk and the street, prevented motorists from seeing the corpse where it lay.
The accident comes as city and state police wrestle with ways to prevent motorists with suspended licenses from getting behind the wheel.
A series of orange cones had been placed in the street preventing motorists from parking at the curb.
A spokesman for the department said they were studying the consultants' report on new signposting, highways improvements and restricted access to prevent motorists taking shortcuts through residential areas.
Special markings are often made on the road surface, both to direct pedestrians and to prevent motorists from stopping vehicles in the way of foot traffic.
Security measures would be needed to prevent motorists from removing or tampering with their black boxes-and a black market in black-box-hacking services seems inevitable in any case.
The bill, first brought to the public attention in June 2010, was intended to prevent motorists from keeping their engines on while not in motion.
She said that cellphone lots developed largely after Sept. 11, when security regulations prevented motorists from idling curbside while they waited for arriving passengers.
This would allow the introduction of anti-slip surfaces and also barriers to prevent motorists driving around crossing arms and, it is hoped, reduce the number of crossing related deaths.