That can help prevent miscarriage, and it makes a nice drink.
From the 1940's through the 1960's, the hormone was used by millions of pregnant women to prevent miscarriage.
It's very good for preventing miscarriage, but how many women threaten to miscarry only in late fall?
The drug, diethylstilbestrol, was prescribed from 1947 to 1971 to three million pregnant women to prevent miscarriage.
Aside from the hygienic measures which she may learn to carry out for herself, various drugs are often of great value in preventing miscarriage.
Some of those 70 include heroin abusers on methadone to prevent miscarriage.
Taking fish oil seems to prevent miscarriage and increase live birth rate in pregnant women with a condition called antiphospholipid syndrome.
But now used to prevent miscarriage, gathered from a tree called Balsamodendron myrra.
But for Ayla she would go out to look for a certain root that helped prevent miscarriage.
Contradictorily, tansy was also used to help women conceive and to prevent miscarriages.