Salaries did not keep up with the rising cost of living as teachers' groups fought just to prevent layoffs.
He worked to prevent layoffs at the Steinberg grocery chain in 1988.
The union said it was also seeking language in the contracts that would prevent layoffs of its members.
In three previous years, the state bailed the school district out at the eleventh hour to prevent widespread layoffs.
If they want to help prevent layoffs they can do it.
Mrs. Whitman, unrepentant, said she would not use the money to prevent layoffs.
The money added to the Secretary of State's budget was not enough to prevent layoffs.
The county faces a deadline this summer to pay $1.1 billion on its bond debt and to find a way to prevent broad layoffs among teachers.
Temporarily increasing federal payments to local and state governments to prevent layoffs?
Sometimes, temps are brought in even to help save a business and prevent layoffs.