The cottage had no phone, something he had insisted on to prevent interruption when he was working.
A man was placed on guard at the door to prevent interruption.
The buffer prevents interruption to the playback and ensures that the end-user experience is not affected.
Electric power was supplied through two submarine cables, which were connected to separate power plants to prevent interruption of service.
Singing is thus a means to prevent interruption in a speech event or an instrument to surpass the other speech participants".
This prevents accidental interruption of the data service by raising the handset, which could occur if the two devices were simply connected in parallel.
His palms were raised from the desk to prevent interruption.
Jemima was obliged to be absent, and she, as usual, locked the door on them, to prevent interruption or discovery.
She lifted a hand to prevent interruption.
Message Stoppers can also be used to prevent eavesdropping and interruption of computer or facsimile-machine transmissions when an extension is picked up.