Later, the U.S. government recognized Lisa, calling his efforts as a "great service in preventing British influence" in the northern area.
There is no way to prevent Iranian influence in Iraq.
Created by the Broadcasting Act 1967 to prevent commercial influence on programming.
These characteristics were reflective on organizational productivity, preventing workplace conflicts, and positive influence and fluency in organizational structure.
Davies saw the mission as means to prevent, or at least decrease, Soviet influence over the Chinese Communists.
This separation is essential to prevent undue political influence on the evaluation of health risks.
Senator Laskin, however, said the tenure system for judges in New Jersey was specifically intended to prevent political influence in the judiciary.
These food preparation techniques are used to prevent undue influence on the outcome of the test (if the person recognizes the food by sight or taste).
Stochocracy does not specifically prevent excess influence by special interests.
From then on, he would take measures preventing influence from the Brotherhood from affecting his activities.