Legal problems may prevent the use of American military bases in countries that do not have a death penalty.
This is where you can access information on terrorism levels and the measures in place to prevent terrorist activities in countries.
He also runs a children's camp and a foundation to prevent blindness in poor countries.
It works to immunize young children and prevent the re-emergence of cases in countries declared "polio-free".
The by-products of gambling are also easier to prevent in countries where the state has a monopoly.
There are, of course, limits to what we can do to prevent female genital mutilation in third countries.
It is equally important to prevent illegal shipment outside the European Union and in particular to development countries.
The exchange-rate mechanism is essential if we are to prevent currency fluctuations in non-participating countries and to protect the single market.
They provide programs that ensure running, sanitized water to prevent water-related illnesses in poorer countries.
Instead, the question today is how to prevent the collapse of economies in countries ranging from Thailand to Russia.