The relatively high altitude keeps the climate temperate and prevents unbearable heat even at the height of summer.
These gases prevent heat from escaping to space, somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse.
These materials serve as an excellent insulation preventing heat from passing through.
Its function is to turn buildings into thermos bottles, preventing heat from moving inside in summer and outside in winter.
The doors should be kept open when the fire is burning; otherwise they will prevent heat from radiating into the room.
In order to prevent excessive heat and discomfort to the passengers, the top was often removed prior to parades.
The purpose of a sleeping bag is to insulate the body from the cold around it and to prevent heat from escaping.
In most homes today, energy-efficient construction materials prevent heat from escaping.
In exchange, they have thicker skin to prevent too much heat from escaping their bodies.
This seems adequate to prevent heat filtering into the rooms below.