Looking for more tips on how to prevent heartburn?
This can help prevent heartburn from acid reflux if taken about 30 minutes before meals.
Prevent heartburn by limiting acidic foods, such as grapefruit, oranges, tomatoes, or vinegar.
Occasionally, surgery is recommended to prevent reflux and heartburn.
To prevent heartburn, take 1 tablet by mouth with a glass of water 15-60 minutes before eating food or drinking beverages that cause heartburn.
Perhaps the most effective way of preventing heartburn is to limit portion size.
Here are some suggestions for preventing and managing heartburn.
Take the pill with milk or an antacid to help prevent an upset stomach or heartburn.
Taking a leisurely walk after dinner and giving food time to settle, however, may actually help prevent heartburn at night.
They may contain different ingredients that work in different ways, but all antacids neutralize stomach acid, which can help prevent heartburn.