The Constitution of Indiana prevented governors from serving consecutive terms, barring Gates from running for office again.
The new amendments also prevented governors from serving consecutive terms, though a temporary exception was made for Clement, allowing him to successfully run for a full four-year term in 1954 after his initial two-year term.
He massively reorganized the empire on a military basis, splitting provinces to prevent ambitious governors from becoming too powerful, attempting to control inflation by fixing prices by edict (and thereby driving goods off the market).
As state law prevented governors from running for successive terms, Comer was ineligible for the 1910 gubernatorial election.
The constitution of Indiana prevented governors from serving consecutive terms, making it impossible for Handley to seek re-election.
While the new constitutional amendments prevented governors from seeking a second consecutive term, Clement was allowed to run for a full four-year term in 1954.
She noted that while Governor Whitman has proposed using the money for public health care programs, there is nothing to prevent future governors from using it for something else.
The Senate wanted rules that would prevent governors from substituting the federal money for existing state spending.
To pass laws that prevented governors from looting their provinces?
The state constitution at the time prevented governors from serving consecutive terms, so with Dunn unable to run, Alexander sought the party's nomination for governor in 1974.