"The greatest role I played was to prevent the Reagan revolution from succeeding," he said.
However, several causes prevented me from succeeding in it to the same degree I should under any other circumstances have done.
"There are indications that some of the individuals might have been motivated by a wish to prevent us from succeeding in our goals," he said.
It prevented her from succeeding at making herself a widow.
Many poor parents now feel that if a child receives the correct education, neither class nor caste will prevent their children from succeeding.
However, even with enough financial support, the scientists themselves may prevent an effort like this from succeeding.
The police said last week that a powerful shore current would prevent swimmers from succeeding on this route.
Surely he must know we will move to prevent him from succeeding in his terrifying ambitions.
To see if I can prevent these secularists from succeeding in their blasphemous project.
He had to know you'd found Athena despite all his efforts to prevent you from succeeding.