Safeguards are often instituted to prevent players from placing exorbitant bets such as "one hundred on hearts."
The city cannot legally take over the land because cemeteries are tax-exempt, preventing the authorities from placing a lien on the property.
Mabee had a career-best free skate, but his imperfect short program prevented him from placing higher.
This safety feature prevented workers from inadvertently placing an idle hand or arm inside the presses when they were in operation.
Moreover, bankers here say, there is nothing to prevent Japanese companies from placing more speculative orders through overseas branches or dealers.
The First Law demands that I prevent you from placing yourself in such great danger!?
In 1985 he sponsored a successful bill that prevented the Department of Social Services from placing foster children with homosexual couples.
Kyle eventually turns on No. 9, preventing him from placing Eve into the cocoon.
Some market professionals dismissed the collar concept, saying that preventing index arbitragers from placing orders through the computer system did nothing to slow their activity.
They are seeking to prevent Massachusetts from placing mentally ill inmates in such segregated cells.