However they took precautions to prevent the therapy from leading to a condition that might get out of control.
The context will prevent this ambiguity from leading to confusion.
She turned to him and couldn't prevent herself from leading with her heart.
If they can do this, a change of plan at an early stage can usually prevent the situation from developing and leading to an accident.
The article ended with a description of what the country had learned about preventing such factors from leading to a depression.
Low vision due to glaucoma should not prevent you from leading a full and active life.
It in no way prevents me from leading a full, happy and productive existence.
Regulatory measures are needed to prevent public aid from leading to an increase in fleet capacity.
Sometimes, however, the sad feelings become intense, last for long periods of time, and prevent a person from leading a normal life.
The key is to prevent this first round of inflation from leading to another and another.