The destruction of the apicoplast does not immediately kill the parasite but instead prevents it from invading new host cells.
Imagine how much better off we'd have been if Congress had found the wisdom and the courage to prevent the president from invading Iraq.
Their concern was that if the weapons were found and disarmed, there would be little left to prevent India from invading Pakistan.
Such a restoration, it seemed to him, was the only thing that could prevent Hitler from invading Austria.
Nothing could prevent him from invading your Western March while at the same time attacking you from the south.
The loss of these stromal growth factors when the cancer moves throughout the body prevents the cancer from invading other organs.
"I've heard they keep a small army of the Republican Guards inside to prevent anyone from invading the place," Lawrence warned.
Male lion alliances are extremely successful in preventing solitary males from invading their pride.
What prevented him, for so many years, from invading the Midlands and taking it, even though he wanted it?
Officials say the pills prevent cancer-causing radioactive iodines from invading the thyroid.