Another miscue, this time a dropped pass on a fake field goal, prevented the Huskers from extending their lead.
"She prevented people from extending their lives," he says.
The restrictions prevent American companies and banks from extending credit directly to Cuban buyers.
The other side of the bridge is an active railroad line, preventing a rail trail from extending into Willimantic.
Purfling helps prevent cracks at the edge from extending deeper into the wood.
(d) However, nothing in this section shall prevent an employer from extending benefits to persons who are domestic partners of employees.
The E18 error occurs when anything prevents the zoom lens from properly extending or retracting.
Still, there was enough skepticism about the unemployment data to prevent the dollar from extending its gains even further.
The provision of the constitution, at issue here, was written to prevent a president from extending his rule beyond one term to prevent another dictatorship.
But there is nothing that legally prevents Lilco from extending the deadline.