This prevented the court from charging Joan with witchcraft.
Its speed and power of execution and reach can keep the opponent at a distance, preventing him from charging in.
President Yanukovych ordered his government to prevent hoteliers from charging inflated prices.
Computer manufacturers might be able to prevent retailers from charging exorbitant prices on hot-selling machines.
Profit in the first half fell 49 percent, as prices of raw materials rose sharply but competition prevented Tsingtao from charging more for its beer.
They argued for a lower appropriation than the Administration had sought as a way of preventing the regulators from charging ahead.
She held Fiona's arm to prevent the lass from charging into the melee.
There's nothing to prevent a bank from charging a fee for providing the copy.
For technical reasons this prevented the court from charging her with witchcraft.
It was free, after all; the law specifically prevented the Government from charging any kind of royalty or fee for taking fish.