The other route, however, is the only way to prevent the winds of insanity from blowing across America.
Every car had an anchor to prevent the wind from blowing it away.
They'll stop at nothing to prevent us from blowing the whistle on this Corpse.
If you use a powder supplement, damp the feed to prevent the horse from blowing it away!
It is not heavy enough to prevent the kilt apron from blowing open in a breeze.
After the hurricane took out a window upstairs, he stood for hours holding up a tarp to prevent debris from blowing in.
The pea would prevent him from blowing the whistle hard, or become clogged with dirt and water.
The wind was so strong they had to cling to the boat to prevent it from blowing away.
But they have to be weighted down with a heavier material to prevent them from curling or blowing away.
The sandbags line the field's perimeter to help prevent winds from blowing cold air under the sod.