Health Department regulations prevent human service agencies from allowing pets in homeless shelters.
He said the egos of tournament officials prevented them from allowing the pros to play softer conditions and make better scores.
The condo's attorney said that attorney-client privilege prevents the board from allowing this.
I believe it is the hope of these courageous survivors that their recollections may prevent the world from allowing such acts to take place again.
"It means that no country can prevent us from allowing subscribers to call or be called, no matter where they are in the world," he said.
We cannot prevent the local authorities from allowing trade with Serbia if they choose to.
The agreement does not prevent the Postal Service from allowing other companies to place collection boxes in post offices.
Radzik's enthusiasm prevents him from allowing his prodigy to speak further.
The law will bar new game farms and prevent farmers from allowing hunting there for a fee.
But that should not prevent Parliament from allowing ethical sense to prevail.