Marpol contains 6 annexes, concerned with preventing different forms of marine pollution from ships:
Likewise, no definitive studies show that estrogen replacement can improve mental functioning, or prevent Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.
It is expected to give doctors important new strategies for preventing and treating major forms of human illness.
"There is no constitutional way to prevent drugs and other forms of contraband from coming into the institution," she said.
Mefloquine is used to both prevent and treat certain forms of malaria.
To cast a vote, they were required to show identification, a measure that in this case was designed to prevent ballot stuffing and other forms of cheating.
So, asks Helen Pidd, could there soon be injections to prevent other forms of the deadly disease?
It added that it was Israel's duty to "defend its citizens and to prevent any and all forms of terror attacks."
Most of the new money would go to farmers to reduce runoff from their fields and to states to prevent other forms of water pollution.
The responses can be categorized as: individual approaches, health care responses, community-based efforts and actions to prevent other forms of sexual violence.