Advocates for the positive role that former extremists and survivors can play in preventing violent extremism.
The Unit engages with communities, local authorities, higher education and universities and other local bodies, in order to prevent violent extremism.
Those papers (ref) include a description of local government activities being undertaken under to prevent extremism.
She has served on the Home Office's working groups, on "engaging with women" and "preventing extremism together".
The second objective is to build "government and law enforcement expertise for preventing violent extremism."
For too long, our efforts to prevent violent extremism and counter radicalisation have focused almost exclusively on Muslim communities.
Following the 2005 London bombings he was a member of a Home Office working group aimed at preventing extremism.
Its goal is described as helping "prevent intolerance, extremism, anti-democratic movements and the recurrence of any totalitarian rule in the future."
Stopping the escalation of violence: the Palestinian Authority must make every endeavour to prevent extremism from prevailing.
This report focuses on those interventions which seek to prevent violent extremism, or reduce support for it, at the community level.