Generally speaking, this part of the coast was not sufficiently well watched to prevent espionage and smuggling; with regard to smuggling, indeed, no power could have entirely prevented it.
In the late 1930s thousands of Koreans in the Soviet Union were deported to Central Asia, supposedly to prevent further Japanese espionage.
One aspect of any espionage investigation, the officials say, is to neutralize the suspect, which means to cut off access to classified material and prevent further espionage.
The Bahnschutzpolizei was tasked with railway safety and also preventing espionage and sabotage of railway property.
Presently there is an industrial legislation bill one the way to prevent industrial espionage in South Africa.
The series focuses on how the former Soviet Union stole American missile secrets and proposes steps to prevent further espionage.
The factory on Breitenbachstraße was fully sealed and secured from the passage of outside traffic to prevent espionage.
They were set up to monitor threats from North Korea and to prevent espionage and subversion.
The blanking of the sorcery within goes far beyond any that would be required to prevent industrial espionage.
Counterspies try to prevent espionage; their mission is counterespionage, or counterintelligence.