Omeprazole penetrates cells in the stomach and attaches itself to the enzymes that manufacture hydrochloric acid, permanently disarming them (while not preventing new enzymes from being produced).
Transportation of molecules via lamellar granules is thought to prevent enzymes from interacting with their relevant substrates or inhibitors prior to secretion.
Then the electrodes are wrapped in a special material that prevents any nanotubes or enzymes from escaping into the body.
It prevents chyme, a mixture of bolus, stomach acid, and digestive enzymes, from returning up the esophagus.
This thymine dimer prevents enzymes from "reading" the DNA and copying it, thus neutering the microbe.
Tranexamic acid prevents enzymes in the body from breaking down blood clots.
Fluoride prevents enzymes in the blood from working, by preventing the stage called glycolysis so a substrate such as glucose will not be gradually used up during storage.
SSI is a protease inhibitor, it prevents enzymes from acting on a substrate.
The blockage prevents digestive enzymes that are made by the pancreas from reaching the intestines, where they are needed for digestion.
Preliminary research suggests that a lack of zinc may prevent certain retinal enzymes from working properly, leading to sight damage.