They come north not for health care or the schools but for jobs, and Proposition 187 does nothing to prevent employers from hiring them.
How about a law preventing employers from stalking their employees online?
The Knights used secrecy to help prevent employers from firing members.
And it has long been the case that the promise did not prevent employers from "encouraging" some older workers to retire.
But legal experts say the law does not prevent employers from limiting benefits for the treatment of mental illness, as many companies are now doing.
Next Page: What will prevent employers from dropping health coverage for their employees?
Q: When the state insurance exchanges are up and running, what will prevent employers from dropping health coverage for their employees?
The state is one of 20 that has no laws preventing employers from firing workers who smoke even when they are not at work.
It would prevent employers from using genetic information as a basis for hiring or promotion.
"By making it a civil right, you prevent employers from making smokers pay for their habits," he said.