Syrian security forces swiftly quelled the protests and have since cordoned off the area during Friday prayers to prevent large-scale demonstrations.
When Dr. Kriegel died a few years later, the Czech secret police took his body to prevent demonstrations at a funeral.
"They violently prevent demonstrations and, yes, they detain and torture those who argue for a better future."
The authorities had tightened security in Colombo, the capital, to prevent demonstrations linked to the parliamentary session.
To prevent demonstrations they say they are forewarned of, Israeli authorities often erect military checkpoints on the road to school.
Several arrests were made during the morning hours of August 13, 2005, as to prevent further demonstrations.
This is the first time they have actually prevented demonstrations on the border.
He said that the police should prevent illegal demonstrations, by force if necessary.
Martial law prevents demonstrations against the new law, but it is not unpopular among many Thais, who regard state workers as highly privileged.
Mukhabarat el-Jamahiriya allegedly kept Libyan society under surveillance, preventing even open demonstrations.