Preventing good citizens who are not going to misuse guns from having them is worse than useless.
Instead, often being ethnic Irish, they exacerbated it and used their power to prevent black citizens from voting.
This law does not prevent French citizens from serving as volunteers in foreign forces.
How can a state prevent citizens from breaking local laws by using Web sites elsewhere?
In the June 1998 presidential election, the government prevented citizens from effectively exercising the right to vote.
After 1993, though, there should be nothing to prevent citizens of one community country from living and working in any of the other 11 countries.
The French government also had responsibility for preventing citizens from escaping into exile.
However, to prevent citizens from profiting, they are not allowed to sell their homes.
Republicans countered that the higher levels would prevent citizens on welfare from bringing in their relatives.
However, we know that in practice there are still many obstacles preventing citizens from making full use of these rights in the Community.