Second, oil can prevent animals from doing what they normally do.
It helps prevent humans and animals from falling over when walking or standing still.
Natural selection will act to prevent animals from mating with members of other species if the offspring so produced would be sterile.
Therefore the people now do nothing to prevent birds and animals from consuming their produce.
No measures had been taken to prevent small animals entering this important equipment located at the back of a truck in open air.
A screen guarded the bottom of the chimney, to prevent small animals from getting sucked up inside.
Farmers cannot prevent wild animals from polluting their fields, for instance.
But few do the needed exclusion work to prevent other wild animals from coming into the home.
The report's concern is with the use of legislation to prevent animals in transit from being endangered or brought to a cruel demise.
This aids the animal's digestion and prevents animals from rejecting any part of their food.