James prevailed by some 7,600 votes in the primary election.
Two years later, in 1930, the Williams group prevailed by less than 4,000 shares.
In his most difficult race since 2000, he prevailed by a 53% to 47% margin.
In 1930, the Williams group prevailed by less than 4,000 shares.
He fought the seat again in the 1966 general election and this time prevailed by nearly 4,000.
Japan had a small lead against Egypt, and prevailed by 24.
This was the interpretation and the view that prevailed by a majority in the committee.
And, in the end, that principle cannot be made to prevail by rules.
This is based on the climate and the conditions prevails in the district by the time.
The Majors prevailed again in two games, by scores of 12-2 and 7-2.