"Until our families can come up from undersurface, it's going to be pretty lonesome, but we'll have to manage."
He must get pretty lonesome.
"I guess you will find the woods pretty lonesome," said our driver, whose thoughts had been evidently employed on the same subject as our own.
Christmas without grandchildren got pretty lonesome.
And I could see as plain as day that if you killed a lot of people, it could leave you pretty lonesome.
Tyler - that's my husband, he's a trucker - is on the road this week, and that little house of mine gets pretty lonesome.
"Looks like it'd be a pretty lonesome place, though."
Sardi's, once the go-to hangout for industry machers and other show people, looks pretty lonesome most nights.
Boys, I feel pretty lonesome just now.
If the commodore spaced everyone who griped a little, he could get pretty lonesome.