The wire is for crowd control, but he acknowledged that "it looks pretty intimidating."
Years ago I did a tour of duty in the corporate world; the head man was a pretty intimidating guy.
All of these other dogs are around, and it can get pretty intimidating.
Nor does he believe that the quality has fallen one iota from in an organization used to trotting out some pretty intimidating players itself.
For a 22-year-old kid, it was pretty intimidating.
As a metaphor for the new China, it is pretty intimidating.
It was pretty intimidating just seeing him tower over me at 6 feet 6.
Douglas was pretty sure that Finn wouldn't have come this far without putting together some pretty intimidating evidence.
It was pretty intimidating, but my wife and I know how to look past the mess.
If you're talking about Ivy from the Soul Calibur series, you could say she's pretty intimidating.