I guess I was pretty clumsy at it.
For a professional pool player, Meng Lang was pretty clumsy with chopsticks.
It was Perri's first time in a spacesuit, so he was pretty clumsy.
The attempt had been pretty clumsy, after all.
The guard, pretty clumsy, clambered up on a staging below Heller and, yelling at the top of his voice, got attention.
I must have been pretty clumsy to set you against me so quickly.
They'd lashed together some pitchforklike cooking tools, but those were pretty clumsy.
"You are pretty clumsy," he said without malice.
So it might have looked like a suicide, but it was pretty clumsy.
Ben was no great expert in these matters, but in his judgment the men manning the sweeps and poles were being pretty clumsy about it.