The same amendment prohibits "excessive bail" but, as currently interpreted by the Court, allows total denial of pretrial release.
Information it collects about defendants' backgrounds is used by judges in determining bail and other conditions for pretrial release.
Also can refer to the amount of bond money posted as a financial condition of pretrial release.
Third, the court, prosecutors, and defense counsel should ensure that defendants understand the legal obligations created by pretrial release, guilty pleas, and probation conditions.
Judge Paul Warner denied Mowen's request for pretrial release.
It denies pretrial release to those accused of certain violent or drug-related crimes when the prosecutor makes a showing that the suspects are dangerous.
Five years later NAPSA published its first standards of pretrial release.
The interview is intended solely to assist in determining appropriate pretrial release.
Checking local, state, and national databases can also identify outstanding warrants, probation or parole status, or pretrial release.
The government does not have such incentives built-in to its decisionmaking mechanisms for pretrial release.