In view of everything that had happened, it must be more than coincidence that Papillon, preternaturally strong and intelligent, should have been waiting exactly where he appeared, with clothes and arms that exactly fitted his own outsize frame.
She was preternaturally strong in her madness, and she fought back.
Bosses Loved Home Rule And home rule, or the preternaturally strong sense of local control enjoyed by the state's 567 municipalities, has endured.
The man behind him was slowly defeating him, made preternaturally strong by the music which surrounded them.
Ranks of young demons in their guise as Altar Boys came forward, carrying with them in their preternaturally strong hands a magnificent baptismal fount of deep-pink Carrara marble.
Some time before the comic began he moved in with his friends, Brad and Ally Wolfe, in order to help babysit their rambunctious and preternaturally strong 5-year-old werewolf daughter named Rebecca.
Then she set the heel of her preternaturally strong left hand against his chin and pulled.
He was undefeated hi battle, armed or unarmed, preternaturally strong and fast.
We fancy our athletes as the lightning-fast, preternaturally strong crest of human evolution.
When you know a practically invincible being who professes to adore you, someone so hard to kill it's next to impossible, someone preternaturally strong, that's who you're gonna call.