This was simply the preternatural body lying there without will or animation, no more purposeful than the face, its expression almost defiantly intelligent, given that months had passed in which Lestat had not moved.
As long as you, Lestat, are here, inside a healthy human body, your companions wouldn't think of destroying your preternatural body, even if I'm at the controls.
At once the flames rising from the highly combustible blood of the preternatural body ignited the heavy ornate garments and the whole form was ablaze.
The petty little monster, and when I realized that he'd been in my body, my splendid powerful preternatural body, when he did this, I was absolutely paralyzed with rage.
The chilling thought came to me again that I might never recover my preternatural body, that I might be trapped in this flesh all my life.
Together we stood there silent for a long moment until we were certain that the preternatural body was at rest again.
I'm speaking of something more indicative of immortality than a preternatural body anatomically dependent upon the drinking of human blood.
You are actually free of that preternatural body!
Louis had cast me out, and so had Marius-Marius, who might find my preternatural body before I did, and destroy it on the spot.
The most pestilential blood will only feed you, as your preternatural body cleanses it and absorbs it.