How quickly the expectations had changed for the Mets, how rapidly they had gone from pathetic losers to presumed winners.
The general jailed the presumed winner, suspended the Constitution and declared a state of emergency.
Meanwhile, the presumed winner of the elections of 1993, Moshood K. O. Abiola, remains in detention, largely shut off from visitors.
To find a smaller tribe, become the presumed winner there, and scale it up across tribes.
Conspicuously absent, however, was any demand for a formal political role for Mr. Abiola, the presumed winner of what have been widely called the country's most democratic elections.
And, of course, that means that the presumed sure winner, the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, Angela Merkel, has been faltering.
She has been the presumed winner of the gubernatorial primary as long ago as that and it has been up to her opponents to dispel that image.
During the 1990s, he was prominent in the struggle to enthrone the presumed winner of the June 12 presidential election of 1993.
With the death of Moshood Abiola, the presumed winner of Nigeria's last presidential elections, there is no clear civilian leader.
They thought it a good idea to jail Moshood Abiola, the presumed winner of Nigeria's canceled presidential vote in June 1993, when he claimed the office two months ago.