The most surprising revelation is the presumed source of the savings.
Botswana is the ninth previously polio-free country where the crippling disease has reappeared in recent months and the farthest from its presumed source, northern Nigeria.
The result was unexpected because genetically modified corn, the presumed source of the foreign genes, has not been approved for commercial planting in Mexico.
The presumed source of the pollution is the Dabaoshan Mine for zinc, once Asia's largest mine for this mineral.
For comparison, equivalent amounts in 2005 US dollars are given below each subheading; the presumed source of the wealth is enclosed in parentheses.
But the very lack of knowledge should make us think twice before attacking any particular presumed source of the leaks.
This was standard procedure: if you found gold or diamonds in streambeds, you moved upstream toward the presumed erosive source of the minerals.
The presumed source of the files are the e-mail accounts of seven police officers listed in LulzSec's press release.
Little is known about the whereabouts in Egypt of the presumed source of the family.
These qualities also show up throughout the Towneley Cycle, most often where it seems to depart from its presumed sources.