Ignatius is a male given name of presumed Latin or Etruscan origin, believed to mean "fiery one" (compare the word "ignite").
(That is also the presumed origin of maccheroni.)
Thanksgiving's authenticity has nothing to do with its presumed origins in Pilgrim Plymouth.
George Henderson elaborated on the presumed origin of ancestor worship in animism:
I was disappointed, however, that your writer described the book almost entirely by reference to its presumed ideological origin.
It is nearer to eye level, as befits its presumed origins on a more intimately scaled structure.
This was known in 18th century England as the art of Japanning after its presumed origins.
This focus enlarges, shows frank invasion, and is the presumed origin of the cancer that develops from the precancer.
These deposits appear to be heavily-cryoturbated terrace gravels of presumed fluvial origin, although a fluvio-glacial origin has also been suggested.
Some fragments of imperial Inca ceramics were found during the excavations but the presumed Inca origin of the site remains questionable.