In 1991, when the Republicans gained a majority in the Senate after 18 years out of power, he stealthily seized control from the presumed Republican leader, John H. Dorsey, a hard-edged conservative.
Under interrogation James Carey, the presumed leader of the Invincibles, cracked: he was persuaded to give evidence against his fellow assassins, as were Michael Kavanagh and Joe Hanlon.
The three new suspects were a Moroccan, an Egyptian and Saudi, all of whom had contacts with a presumed leader of the bombing attack.
Most important, even conservative Protestants are anything but a bloc, there to be instructed on the right way to vote by their presumed leaders.
With a nod, Kola acknowledged and endorsed Joseph's selection of the presumed leader.
"This is nonsense, total nonsense," declared Mohamed al-Amir, the father of Mohamed Atta, the presumed leader of the Sept. 11 terrorists.
Not all of the creatures looked like their presumed leader.
The presumed leaders of the two groups have a flashback showing that they were friends when they were young children.
According to columnist Robert Novak, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld "confirmed published reports that there is no evidence placing the presumed leader of the terrorist attacks in the Czech capital."
The presumed leader of Area 7's prisoners, Grimshaw attempted to escape Area 7 after the majority of prisoners were killed by Harper's Sinovirus agent.