The city of Leuven was not only the seat of three different Universities, but also through them, the seat of prestigious academic libraries.
Other recent applications have included the entire works held in a prestigious library which were infested with booklice.
The Archbishop Annibale De Leo Library is a prestigious public library housed in the Seminary of Brindisi, in Piazza Duomo.
On September 15, 1929, Charles Martel ended an illustrious career as the Chief Classifier and later Chief of the Catalogue Division at the nation's most prestigious library.
A lasting legacy are the prized incunable, surviving pre-16th century print works which are collected by many of the most prestigious libraries in Europe and North America.
Harris represented two prestigious libraries during his lifetime: Johns Hopkins, and John Rylands Library, Manchester, where he became the curator of manuscripts.
Undergraduate Library (UGL) is one of Wayne State University's most prestigious and largest libraries built in 1997 named after the university's 8th president, David Adamany.
But in the early years, the affiliation with a prestigious library worked in the fledgling company's favor and helped to legitimize productions that were barely a notch above amateur.
The Criterion Collection is also a pretty big deal and the kind of prestigious library Apple goes nuts for (see the Beatles).
One of the most prestigious libraries of the eastern German Sprachraum, comprable only to the Breslau University Library, Königsberg's developed since the 16th century out of several smaller libraries.