Hughes was delighted with having his work in print, published by the most prestigious house in the poetry business.
The Tri Beta house is one of the most prestigious houses on the row.
He also edited the Gordonian (1984), the magazine of mentioned prestigious house of knowledge.
His family was upper-middle class and lived in one of the most prestigious houses in Cambridge.
In one gilt-edged stroke today, two prestigious French houses announced they will merge their luxury product operations.
More prestigious houses, for example, in Kensington, are rendered with stucco.
The dissolution of the fortification allowed the slow development of prestigious residential houses in the areas outside the old walls.
The two prestigious French houses were founded in 1743 and 1854, respectively.
You live in the most prestigious house in the nation.
She has directed operas from the baroque and contemporary repertoire for many of the prestigious houses of Europe.