How much do you want to bet that they'll have pressure leaks, too?
They were sent to repair the 14-year-old station, especially the recent problems of pressure leak, and a dysfunctional orientation of a solar panel.
Then, "Huh ... it says there was a pressure leak in the suit.
One small hole in the seal meant a pressure leak, and a large hole could mean explosive decompression.
And strode forward fully upright, not letting the least hint of pressure leak from his tubules.
We had a pressure leak on the last mission.
He picked it up, punched in the codes for everything he could remember: fire, pressure leak, personal injury, crime-in-progress.
My suit's registering a small pressure leak in my glove.
Once the valves were set correctly, Korzun reported a pressure leak but the Russian officials declared it as a no issue.
Discovery, our instruments show a possible pressure leak in the air lock on the lower deck.