Ratcliff left the role in 1989 after press stories began circulating about her private life.
Despite the press stories, Sheri Moore was no longer a student in good standing at the college.
According to some American press stories, Hitler left the stadium rather than shake hands with him.
As expected, sales were low, but Anokute said the single did well in terms of building a press story.
Obama gets to play tough on terrorism, yet keep the US dead (or bad press stories as they are otherwise known) to a minimum.
But - so, I was concerned for a day or two there about this as a press story only.
"Just a lot of silly press stories - the prime minister never ordered me to do anything."
And apparently there were initially a bunch of press stories that talked about this.
"He should know better than to react to a press story."
As a rule, I do not respond to controversial press stories with further controversy.