The union had been pressing since 1966 for equal pay for women performing the same jobs as men.
Pressing for Legislation Since the mid-60's, the commission has initiated investigations of discrimination in housing, employment and accommodations.
In fact, Russian advisors had been pressing for an attack on Brunete since the spring of 1937.
Ms. Bjorklund had been pressing Mr. Foster for his numbers since June.
Proponents of the ban have been pressing for it since 1995.
India vigorously pressed, since the start of the 1950s, for the PRC to be included within the UN.
Secretary General Kofi Annan has been pressing for a higher ceiling on buying equipment since last year.
The United States has been pressing Japan since the mid-1980's to buy more semiconductors, or computer chips, from American and other foreign manufacturers.
Those leading the fight, including some of Egypt's most senior jurists, have been pressing the government since 1991 to ensure that judges are free from government pressure.
Here at Harvard, President Larry Summers has been pressing since 9/11 for the university to build bridges to the military.