The problem became more acute as the press reported on it as the biggest economic affair in former Yugoslavia triggering the 250% inflation rate in Yugoslavia.
Effects of the immigration regulations were felt in Liverpool's Chinatown as the local press reported in 1927 that "the whole Chinese quarter has a dying atmosphere".
Though he used an alias, the Brazilian secret police knew of his past for 11 years before his death in 1979, the Brazilian press reported in the 1980's.
Q. If something happened in World War II, the press reported on it and were more or less out of the way before the project succeeded or failed.
The Soviet press reported in 1964 that on June 15, 1941, Sorge had broadcast a dispatch saying that, "The war will begin on June 22."
In 1972 press reported on the study to public outrage for disregard of the health of the participants.
After Steele was charged with aiding the enemy, the press reported on two earlier incidents in which Steele had been involved with the courts.
He suffered a heart attack, the Norwegian press reported from Oslo.
During 2006, the press reported on a dispute where 40 department heads and housemasters were according to news reports forced to reapply for their positions.
The British press reported in March 2004-days after Tony Blair, prime minister at the time, visited Tripoli-that Libya was behind the hijacking.