His father pressed pants.
"That's all image," explained Dennis McCabe, 22 years old, dressed in a crisp white shirt, narrow necktie and pressed pants.
In the last two years, Craig has gone from being a retired amateur fighter pressing pants for a dry cleaner to becoming a surprise contender in the Olympic welterweight division.
The remaining guy was strikingly handsome: dark wavy hair, a symmetrical face, rimless glasses, pressed pants, and a Ralph Lauren polo shirt.
The Gasman pressed a shirt and pants into Iggy's hands.
He was wearing a brown sport jacket, pressed pants, an open-collared white shirt.
Boats would arrive for gatherings, carrying elegantly attired men in red and white striped jackets, pressed white pants and the requisite straw boater hat.
Largely cleanshaven, they wear shiny leather wingtips, pressed pants and starched shirts, and carry collegiate-style backpacks outfitted with mesh water-bottle holders, or those small, wheeled suitcases favored by flight attendants.
By appearances, Mr. Wissel, 44, with short gray hair and pressed khaki pants, does not fit the stereotype of the disheveled 20-something techie.
Skilled operators can also press shirts and pants (trousers) on a mangle.