There, he pressed lawmakers to reconsider legislation the State Senate rejected last week that would outlaw the removal of feeding tubes from patients who had not left written instructions.
The conclusion could be a serious setback for ticket brokers who have been pressing lawmakers to make the trial permanent.
In addition to the change in special-education policy, the board and the Commissioner said they intended to press lawmakers and Governor Pataki to increase aid to public schools next year by $885 million, to $12.6 billion.
President Clinton had more than half his Cabinet fanned out across the Capitol earlier today to press wavering lawmakers in advance of the House vote on Friday.
FOR more than three decades, gun-control advocates have pressed lawmakers for stiffer measures, but the gun lobby ensured that they got nowhere in Congress.
But local government officials had been pressing lawmakers to move cautiously on the issue, saying the moratorium could disrupt their budgets and cause them to raise local taxes to compensate for lost revenue.
For years, North Jersey residents have pressed lawmakers to find ways to reduce aircraft noise from Newark International Airport.
Since then, the state's Republican Party has used campaign-style tactics like targeted mailings, e-mail and phone banks to press lawmakers from both parties to support Mr. Barbour's agenda.
We dearly hope that President Bush has the backbone to stand behind the promises he made, and to press lawmakers in Washington to do the right thing.
Over the next two weeks, rallies, a march, a vigil and a trip to Albany to press lawmakers are planned.