But, despite what you'd think from the press commentary, Dilnot also talks about other important issues like health-social care integration and social care support at the end of life.
On the other hand Henning Thomsen, the German chargé d'affaires officially complained of press commentaries.
In another press commentary, Bo Yibo, an elder statesman who has resisted economic change, appealed for intensified political education.
And I felt that most of the warm press commentary had missed the essence of Allen's strength.
Cortelyou is credited with instituting the first systematic gathering of press commentary for a sitting president's perusal.
Focus on Journalistic Ethics The incident has already fueled much press commentary over the ethical judgments involved.
The new press commentary coincided with rumors that a purge of moderate members of the Communist Party had begun.
Several years back there was a short spate of press commentaries suggesting that China should develop its own fast food products to defeat the intruders.
Much press commentary, spurred by misleading Federal statistics, implied that the virus was already scything through the general heterosexual population, putting everyone at risk.
A press commentary argued that, if there was life at the Viking lander sites, it may have been killed by the exhaust from the landing rockets.