Southern slaveholders continued to press Congress for compensation for their loss of "property."
Since then, he has successfully pressed Congress to restore some benefits, like disability and health benefits to legal immigrants.
He has also pressed Congress for larger contributions to the World Bank's programs for the poor.
One of the first will be whether to press Congress for more aid for the rebels.
They note that universities, like hospitals and other nonprofit institutions, have a right to press Congress for aid.
But Mr. Bush never once pressed Congress to pass the renewal.
"Will you press Congress for a new gun-control law?"
They also pressed Congress for more money, saying that their costs were rising 10 percent a year - five times the increase in payments from Medicare.
But the officials said they would press Congress to phase in the tax's total elimination over the next decade.
At least twice, government lawyers pressed Congress for statutory changes, then tried to apply them retroactively.