A special Presidential waiver is needed for the aid to be continued, the diplomats said.
Last month Congress took away the presidential waiver.
She felt the Presidential waiver undercut any possible prosecution.
Those countries may request United States government credits and private financing, conditional on a presidential waiver.
Any such launch requires a presidential waiver.
Despite these problems, Loral continued its China launchings, each requiring a Presidential waiver.
At virtually the same time that Loral made its disclosure to the Government, the company was seeking another Presidential waiver for a satellite.
While current law prohibits most-favored-nation status for countries that do not allow their citizens to emigrate, Rumania has received annual Presidential waivers.
A congressional resolution disapproving the waiver was defeated, as have such resolutions disapproving the presidential waivers issued every year since.
"Absent an informed consent or presidential waiver, the United States cannot demand that members of the armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs."