VFP was one of 5 party-lists said to have received presidential support in connection with the Garci tapes affair.
However, presidential support is based on multiple influences - including partisanship.
Without presidential support, they added: "We believe it will be extremely difficult to move this legislation forward.
With presidential support, he was elected governor on the National Autonomist Party platform and took office on 18 May 1873.
As an explanation, the Academic Deans were quoted as saying that they felt a "lack of presidential support" under Ohle.
This seemed to clear the way for more forceful presidential support.
Mr. Quayle said he thought any change would require strong presidential support.
In September 1923, during his third trip to Mexico City in search of presidential support, he was arrested and executed.
Traditionally, most anti-poverty programs in Mexico have relied upon presidential support to establish their funding and public profile.
He warned against excessive public presidential support for the Nicaraguan contra rebels.