Do you know exactly where your presidential choice stands on the estate tax?
People don't like to acknowledge that basis for a Presidential choice.
The election is sponsored by the party, not the state, which means voters are casting only a presidential choice.
Republican leadership in Kansas was split on the Presidential choice for 1964.
He was officially nominated for his party's Presidential choice on September 6, 2012.
IF presidential choices in décor were really any measure of judgment, then the country would have good reason for alarm.
Luckily, based on polling, he is right on target to be the presidential choice of a 1%.
At 7 p.m., they will begin dividing into "preference groups" according to their presidential choice.
I'd more than welcome having Huntsman as a presidential choice, come November.
Don't New Yorkers deserve the same presidential primary choices as voters in the other 49 states?